Monday, January 21, 2013


This weekend has just been relaxation.. punctuated at random intervals by the loud, annoy rants of the girls rooming next to me (ahem, like right now.. ugh), but otherwise stress-free. After the hassle of getting moved up here, throwing myself back in to college, and tackling the daunting task of wrestling 18 hours this Spring semester, not to mention in a completely foreign town where the only person I actually know lives 30 minutes away, having a weekend to just be a homebody was great. Saturday was pajamas all day and the only reason I put on jeans yesterday was because Taylor came down and we were going to go to the Hookah bar down the road, but it was closed, so we do as we always do.. went to the movies. Sidenote: The Last Stand is worth seeing. Much better than we anticipated. Although I'm not too happy that they had to damage those beautiful cars. Oh well, it's Hollywood.. where they spend money because its simply there.

Speaking of money.. today I was wondering why the hell we even have it. And that's a completely rhetorical question, because I did pay attention in Economics, but I absolutely hate stressing about it. After buying all the things I needed for this semester, my funds are heartbreakingly low. And with the Guard messing up my pay (yet again), and the store not putting me on the schedule (yet! That's supposed to change soon!), knowing that funds are far away is stressing. I know, it could be worse, but it's really annoying that every time I start to have myself set up and pretty stable, BAM! something swoops in and wipes it all away. Like finding out that I still have 2 MORE books to get! I already have 9!!!! Come on guys, it's ridiculous. So I give in for a moment and let myself totally freak out, stress over it, and maybe even cry a little, and then I put my big girl panties on and realize, yes, it could be worse. And one day it will be better. But if its not better soon, I might just rip my hair out.

So what do I do to take my mind off all this nonsense? Well, pinterest, mostly. Honestly, it's just addictive. If you don't have time to sit at your computer for hours, don't even bother.. but if you do... You'll curse me and thank me in equal amounts. But seriously, there is some wonderful finds there and most of my pins revolve around food recipes and workouts. Food, because I'm determined to eat better and save some of that dang money that disappears as soon as I get it. Yeah it means getting off my ass and cooking for myself, but I'm doing it day by day. Like today, my lunch consisted of the cheese and chicken grilled tortillas Taylor and I used to make, only I added black beans and spinach to make them even better. Plus I made three so I would have lunch for tomorrow as well and I wouldn't have to worry about it! Don't worry, I already patted myself on the back. I have like, 100s of recipes on that board by now, so I'll never run out of stuff to try and McDonald's is just going to have to get along without me.

Oh and the workouts! I always read from trainers, articles, and such that you have to beware that plateau thing where your body gets used to what you're doing and you don't see results anymore. Well, my solution to that is making my own schedule of what group of muscles I want to work out each day and then finding an exercise for that the night before. And then in the morning I make myself get up at 6 AM! (gasp! a college student up that early?) and walk over to the rec, or on the days I have earlier classes, I'll do shorter workouts here. This is just me and my dedication so if I don't do it, I'm the only one to blame. But I know I love the after workout high and there's something great about looking at all my classmates stumbling into morning classes while I'm sitting there thinking, "Yeah, I've already been up for 3 hours and started my day off right, bitches!" I just have to, ya know, get my ass up. And it sucks.. I won't lie to you. Anyone that says differently, they're lying. Right through their fake smiles.. they're lying to you. Even if you're a morning person, you have to admit there's that moment right before you open your eyes where you're wishing you had just five more minutes. But I have a PT test to train for in April, and I figured since I was already halfway insane with the waking up early, cutting out fast food, and taking on well over full time classwork, why not train for a half-marathon that goes in April? This one to be exact! Ya know, if I find the money to pay to register, but I'll get to that later. Running one of these things is on my bucket list, so hey, no time like the present right? But I really hate running.. and I mean that.. I hate it with every fiber of my being.. but we gotta be fit for the zombie apocalypse. Because I don't know about you, but there's no way I'm becoming a human happy meal. Although I do have the zombie race in March.. but that's okay, I'll be dressed as the zombie chasing people, so I'll be having so much fun I won't realize I'm running.

Okay, enough talk of running. My point in the post is that there are things that I want to do. They're not easy and getting there is probably not going to be the most fun things I've ever done, but I'm not going to make up excuses for why I can't do them.You know why Forrest Gump was so good at doing things? Because he never had the doubt that he couldn't. He just did them. And he was a runner.. Haha, and a certain someone used to tell me watching movies was a waste of my time :D

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