Monday, March 18, 2013


I do not like airports. They are stress traps designed to make the simplest of tasks so insanely complicated. And you know the employees can't stand their jobs because I hardly ever meet anyone who doesn't look like they're one bad look away from strangling someone. And each airport is different.. Leaving Iceland, didn't have to take my shoes off. Leaving Phoenix, they went through my bag and wanted to pull out each little item. It is paranoia to the extreme going through a damn security checkpoint. Everyone is a terrorist until proven innocent. One day I would really love to watch some one just scream "bomb!" And just see how everyone would react. I wouldn't want to do it personally because I think my short bit of patience and smart mouth would just get me into further trouble if I were ever detained, but I would sure love to witness it.

So yeah, I am once again sitting in the airport with the stuffy air and the mirgaine slowly trickling in. It never fails. Flying takes so much out of me. I would like to think if I wasn't claustrophobic I might handle it better, but that's just wishful thinking. Running on four hours of sleep might be a bit of a hinderance as well, but oh well. I hate sleeping ln planes because I always wake up with the worst pain in my neck and sometimes my lower back. The flight back from Iceland was especially rough on my back, but I guess that's to be expected from a 7 1/2 hour flight.

But I am back state side and as I have said many times, I am not happy about it. After breakfast Sunday morning, I just went walking around the streets in Reykjavik. The stores weren't open and people weren't out (except for the lady walking a pair of really happy and friendly Scottish terriers) but it was the quiet peacfulness that I enjoyed. I really did not want to leave. I may hate the journey of getting somewhere (the flying part at least) but I am officially in love with travel and exploration. I feel new motivation to explore as much as possible, even if I am not leaving the country or the state. I read a quote somewhere that traveling isn't so much about being somewhere different, but seeing your surroundings in a different way. That sounds a little easier and a whole lot cheaper way to occupy my time until my next adventure.

Oh, and pictures will come either later today or tomorrow.. We will see how long it takes me to crash once I get back.

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