Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So, needless to say, it's been a while. I have noticed throughout my relatively short years that I have a bad habit of starting things with the utmost excitement, but somehow losing the momentum to see them through to the end. I'd like to break that habit because it tends to be pretty frustrating. My first step to achieving that is going to be keeping up with this blog regularly. Putting my thoughts down on paper, so to speak, really does help me, but sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time. Which is a lie of course.. I'm just not the best at time management. I'm certainly not the worst, but I do have a strong procrastinating streak. I blame my dad for that one.

Anyways.. time management. Something you most certainly need in college. And with the 18 hours that I am taking this semester, it's no wonder that I really don't take my head out of the books during the week. Even so, life creeps in the way and demands a slice of my time and attention. For example, I need to get an oil change really bad, I need to go get some groceries, and today would actually probably be the best day to get some time with Tay in before I head off to Iceland for Spring Break. A whole ten days out of the country... I'm so excited! But I'll talk more about that when I'm safely through the trials of midterms and can actually take a moment to relax. Back on topic though.. there are somethings that demand my presence outside of the library and I am trying to figure out what to deem "more important". Fact is, they are all important in some way.. so how to I fit them all in? Piece by piece. I take advantage of every second I have from the time my feet hit the floor so that when I lay down, I'm out in under 5. And even then, somethings slip through my hands a bit. Mostly assigned reading... because if the subject really doesn't interest me, I end up getting sidetracked a lot and will not even pay attention to what I just read. I try to balance it with a bit of personal reading, but I doubt that reading for 1 hour out of a text book and 3 hours out of a Clive Barker book is beneficial. Although it did come in handy for my philosophy paper which I did on Hedonism and Cenobites. Not at all what I set out to write about at the computer.. I actually had another book in mind, but that's what ended up coming out and in a little over 3 hours, I had researched the founding philosopher for Hedonism and written a 4 page paper (well over what was required). There is no doubt in my mind that I am an academic and learning is my path in this world. I am addicted to the thrill of learning something new and seeing the world in a different light and I hope I never lose the love of that.

Well, that seems like a very positive note to start my day out on! Now I must brave the below thirty degree weather outside and squeeze in some gym time before my first class.

Btw, I miss Rhino terribly recently. I am very grateful for the pug beanie Aunt V and Jordan gave me to help with that, and I'm surely testing the limits of the stitching because I pretty much carry it everywhere with me now. There is no love like that of a companion animal :)

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