Thursday, March 28, 2013

Back to the Real World..

If the lack of posts hasn't clued you in to how insanely swamped I have been since getting back to school, then my crazy mess of a living space would. Well, I guess only if you knew me and my OCD habits.. My roommate makes fun of me a bit because everything is usually pretty neat and organized. I can't help it. Everything has a specific spot and I prefer that it stay in it. I mean, I even still make my bed. More so that I don't jump into it and pass out in those small breaks between classes, but hey, whatever works. But lately it has been a bit crowded and unorganized simply because everything else takes a back seat to my studies. I mean, it is pretty much the main reason I am here. I just have to remind myself that.. multiple times a day. I have unfortunately been met with 0% motivation since returning from Iceland. The travel fever set in and blocked my mind to everything I that was ordinary. Which is really unpleasant when you have 6 papers, a group project, and French exams to that need attention. So yeah, I haven't really taken much time to breathe, much less write.

But I just needed a breather, so since I only have films in both my classes tomorrow (and I have finished all work that absolutely needed to be done by tonight) I decided to just type a bit. And I am going home this weekend to just get even more of a break. I am hoping it will help clear my head a bit and give me a moment to remind myself how motivated and excited I was in the beginning. Not that I am completely bogged down right now.. it's just that final stretch nonsense kicking in where you gotta pull on your spare reserves to make it across the finish line.

At the moment I am stuck in limbo as to what to do about summer. I would really like to stay on campus and take classes, but residence halls unfortunately do not offer free lodging for summer. Actually, the cost for little over 2 months stay in summer is the same as the costs for staying a full semester. Insane, right? And since my Tuition Assistance has been temporarily suspended (I ranted about that in person enough that I don't feel the need to type it out.. you're welcome) money is a major issue. I also just paid for a pretty costly repair to my vehicle today, so that was a hindrance I certainly could have done without. Oh well. If by chance I am forced to leave for summer, you can bet I am gonna spend it exploring. Something, somewhere, anywhere. I'm gonna try new food, see new sights, meet new people, and read. Maybe I can make a dent in that 100+ list of books I seem to add to everyday. Sigh.. maybe that's what I need. I did say I wasn't going to rush this, right? I just went all starry eyed when my adviser said I could possibly graduate next spring if I did summer classes. Why do we get so excited when we get closed to finishing something? Why does conquering a goal become the main focus? Why can't we just enjoy the journey more? Bah.

Enough stressing.. it will all work out one way or another. Good things I have discovered? Two new teas for my Keurig machine that I am absolutely addicted to. One is a lemon herbal tea and the other is a mandarin orange spice tea. Oh my goodness gracious they are wonderful! Unfortunately I only ordered trial boxes of 5 servings, so I am forcing myself to ration them. But the full boxes will most certainly be in my next order. Some people may scoff at a fancy coffee machine, but I adore mine. Coffee in the morning, green tea at lunch, and herbal tea in the evening. It is worth every penny. I also tried English Breakfast Tea, simply because I've never had it but I see it everywhere, and I don't understand the hype. I mean it's good, I guess.. doesn't really taste like much. But there was this one tea that I had in the Iceland airport that was mind-blowingly fantastic.. the brand was lipton and it was something to do with blue fruits.. tasted mostly like blue raspberry. But I haven't found it here. Just like that dang soda I had there that was so amazing and not available here. Downside of travel: falling in love with foods and drinks that you are unable to get back home.

Oh and sidenote, tattoo has completely healed. I love how peoples' eyes light up after they ask me what it means and I explain it and tell them where I got it. Someone actually called me an inspiration the other day. Not gonna lie... major stroking of my ego. If I inspire just one person to find the courage to step outside their comfort zone, well I can rest easy with that.

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