Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Final Stretch

I have obviously not been placing much importance on this blog for the past week(s) or so. It is that last final stretch of the Spring semester and all those papers are coming due and I am trying to juggle everything and still manage to find time to sleep. Plus, the weather is getting better and laying out in the sun or just going for walks is looking more and more inviting all the time. Problem is, walking and reading or writing is quite difficult. So it's is more likely that you can find me in my room or the library posted up close to a window so I can at least look at the pretty outside while I'm hacking away at the mound of work I need to get done. But I am not complaining.. okay, maybe a bit. But I'm not overly upset at what I have to do.. just a tad bit daunted. My mind is slowly easing into relaxing, lazy, summer mode and I'm on the other end of the rope trying to tug it back into academic mode for just a few more weeks. It's like that last quarter mile of your run where you've almost convinced yourself you don't need to keep going. You've done enough, you do need to cool down, your legs hurt, you'd like to breathe normally again.. but no, there's no point in coming this far and quitting now. So you dig into whatever reserve of energy that you never seem to be able to find at any other time and somehow cross that line. Then you pass out and die the small death that running a long distance inevitably forces upon you. That's how I imagine I will feel the last day of exams. As for right now, I'm drawing on that last bit of energy and planning every second of everyday to get the maximum amount of studying in. As long as pinterest stops distracting me.

I'm actually skipping my morning history class so that I can hopefully get through the last few chapters of the book I need to write a report on. The book has been a very entertaining read.. just long. But at least I have enjoyed it. I've got three review papers due on Thursday, so since I've only missed one day of that class and I'm allowed four, yeah it's being bumped down on my priority list. Not to mention I've had just about all I can take of that professor and his utter lack of hearing.

Today just feels like a good day. Yesterday was pretty productive so let's hope that continues. Plus I got more tea over the weekend and went grocery shopping yesterday, so I am set! Oh, and I painted my toenails last night.. I'll usually got months with the same (or none at all) polish because I'm just too lazy to paint them. So the fact that I did should implicate how awesome this week is bound to be! And yes, I did just use toenail polish as an implication that I'm gonna have a good week. There are definitely worse examples.

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