Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My thoughts on V-Day..

I forewarn you, this is not going to be all sweet and lovey. I do not care for the holiday and I never actually have. Maybe it is because I have never really had a special over-the-top Valentine's celebration, but I really don't attribute it to that. Even when I have been in a relationship when this disaster of a holiday came around, I usually suggested something a little more practical.. like spending the day at the gun range. But hey, I'm just weird like that. I think the holiday puts way too much emphasis on showing someone you care, when really, you should be doing that everyday regardless of what the calendar says. It's just an excuse to spend money on cheesy stuffed animals, fancy flowers, and loads of candy. I mean seriously, who came up with the idea that candy and chocolates were a sign of affection? "Here ya go honey, I love you so much so eat this processed sugar and let's fatten you right up so I can complain about how you let yourself go and break up with you to go find someone skinnier.." Yeah..

It's a terrible holiday to me and the point that most people do not even know where it started, just baffles me. Just in case you happen to be one of those, here, enlighten yourself. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not going to go around yelling a couples all huddle up and stab every heart-shaped balloon I see (although that could be pretty entertaining). I will actually most likely be in my room with my nose in one of the four books I need to get through this week. After I bring my professor's cake to class, of course. My current favorite professor's birthday is thursday and since that is also our class day, he told us that we were welcome to bring anything we would like to share. And I definitely want to bring a cake! So yes, that is my excitement of the day. Nothing romantic and certainly nothing pink. Just simple bread and frosting. Oh hell! My Granny's strawberry cake just popped into my head and my mouth immediately starting watering. Ugh.. cravings are nonsense. Now that cake is just going to be disappointing.

Oh and one more thing I am looking forward to for this V-day, although it's technically the day after, it's how we are considering our V-day spent. Taylor and I will be in the movie theater sneaking into multiple movie for the price of one because watching Bruce Willis shoot up some bad guys (again) and critiquing the newest movie adaptation of a book series we both love is just way more pleasing than trying to suffer through anything romantic right now. I want something so much deeper than a Hallmark card and overpriced flowers. But you can be damn sure I'm not hunting it down or crying because I don't have it yet.. I've got better things to do.. like enjoy a free popcorn coupon! NOM NOM NOM!

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