Monday, February 4, 2013

Return to routine

So I am finally back at this desk. Had to take a trip all the way down to good ol ATL for my EMT-B re-certification class for my medic job with the National Guard. We have to update every two years, so yeah it was a blast.. Man, sarcasm just doesn't come through the computer like it should. I am exhausted. I have been running back and forth for the past week and I feel like if I just had a day to sleep (yes, a whole 24 hours) then I might be okay. But I stress the word might. But whatever, I finally back in my dorm room and I'm trying to catch up with everything I missed. You miss a lot in a week. There was a to-do list on my desk today about the length of my arm but at least I got about half of it crossed off. If I had a maid to cook for me, my life would be so much easier. Yes, I have food on my mind because I went grocery shopping and my fridge is full of stuff I can't wait to chow down on. I should probably go cook dinner before I settle in to really start studying.. I tend to lose track of time with I get my nose stuck in a book. And it seems I'm more than just a bit distracted tonight. So yeah..

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